InForm: The "Self Care" Episode

InForm: The "Self Care" Episode


This is an episode where Jared & Neil talk bout how the concept of "self care" is used and misused in contemporary clinical settings.
This is an episode where Jared & Neil talk bout how the concept of "self care" is used and misused in contemporary clinical settings.

Just so you know:
Normally the InForm:Podcast is allergic to editing (i.e. we don't edit, we just record and mix, and then post). Rather than seeing this as a flaw, we see it as a feature of the podcast. However, this time we did need to cut out a little bit of dodgy audio. We almost did not release the podcast at all... but in the end (obviously) we decided to release the edited version.

What's Left? Podcast (SoundCloud, Patreon, Apple Podcasts)